Friday, March 29, 2019

April 1-5

-          Spring Picture Day - April 5
-          School Carnival - April 6 

Sign up to be in the dunking booth!
-          April 9-10 Math and Reading STAAR
-          April 12th Field Trip to the Menil
-           April 19th - Spring Holiday

What's Coming Up Next Week?

Math: We are continuing our review for the Math STAAR test this week.
Your child has daily math review homework, and if they have any extra time please have them work on Imagine Math online as a great supplemental review from home..  

Reading: The students begin their Historical fiction group projects on Monday, April 1st. The projects are due on Friday, April 5th
-Spelling Test on Friday
Quizlet Week 28

Additional review through passages and task cards will occur during rotations….  

Science: This week we are covering incomplete vs complete metamorphosis and heredity. There are some great videos for review: Study Jams  Under the Plant tab: Roots & Stems, Flowers, Plants with Seeds.  Under the Animals tab: Animal Life Cycles
Adaptations Quiz on Monday

Social Studies: Civil War: Students will continue to learn the causes of the war, the differences between the Northern and Southern economies at that time, States' Rights, Slavery/Underground Railroad, and a couple of key battles of the war.
EXTRA STAAR review options:
Reading STAAR Quizlet Click here!
Math STAAR Quizlet Click here!
Imagine Math or Reading

Are you having a hard time logging into Imagine Math?
Tips on logging in to the HISD HUB from home:
1.                   Use Google Chrome.
2.                  Google “HISD HUB”
3.                  One of the first choices should be “PowerUp/HUB – Houston ISD.”  Click on it.
4.                  Click on the orange button near the bottom of the screen that says “HUB Sign In.”  A screen should come up that says “HISD Single Sign On Service”
5.                  Where it says, enter the student’s username.  Username is “student\s1900000” – the numbers being your student’s HISD ID number.  So a student named Jay Smith, with an ID number of 1923456, would have the username of “student\s1923456.”  The word “student” changes the domain to the student domain.
6.                  When typing the username, be sure you are using a BACK SLASH, not a forward slash.  The back slash key is located above the Enter key on the keyboard.
7.                  Password is the student’s birthdate in an 8 digit format. For example; Jan 1, 2010 would be 01012010.

Friday, March 22, 2019

March 25-29

-         Report Cards go home - Tuesday, March 26
-          Science MOCK STAAR – Wednesday, March 27th 
-          Field Day/Fun Run on Friday, March 29th
-          Spring Picture Day - April 5
-          School Carnival - April 6
-          April 9-10 Math and Reading STAAR
-          April 12th Field Trip to the Menil

What's Coming Up Next Week?

Math: We are beginning our review for the Math STAAR test this week.
Your child has daily math review homework, and if they have any extra time please have them work on Imagine Math online.  

Reading: The students will continue to read their Historical fiction books this week. Group projects will begin on April 1st.
-Spelling Test on Friday
Quizlet Week 27

Additional review through passages and task cards will occur during rotations….  

Science: This week we are covering invasive species and plant/animal adaptations. There are some great videos for review: Study Jams  Under the Plant tab: Roots & Stems, Flowers, Plants with Seeds.  Under the Animals tab: Animal Life Cycles

Social Studies: Civil War: Students will continue to learn the causes of the war, the differences between the Northern and Southern economies at that time, States' Rights, Slavery/Underground Railroad, and a couple of key battles of the war.
EXTRA STAAR review options:
Reading STAAR Quizlet Click here!
Math STAAR Quizlet Click here!
Imagine Math or Reading

Are you having a hard time logging into Imagine Math?
Tips on logging in to the HISD HUB from home:
1.                   Use Google Chrome.
2.                  Google “HISD HUB”
3.                  One of the first choices should be “PowerUp/HUB – Houston ISD.”  Click on it.
4.                  Click on the orange button near the bottom of the screen that says “HUB Sign In.”  A screen should come up that says “HISD Single Sign On Service”
5.                  Where it says, enter the student’s username.  Username is “student\s1900000” – the numbers being your student’s HISD ID number.  So a student named Jay Smith, with an ID number of 1923456, would have the username of “student\s1923456.”  The word “student” changes the domain to the student domain.
6.                  When typing the username, be sure you are using a BACK SLASH, not a forward slash.  The back slash key is located above the Enter key on the keyboard.
7.                  Password is the student’s birthdate in an 8 digit format. For example; Jan 1, 2010 would be 01012010.

Friday, March 8, 2019

March 18-22

I hope you are having an amazing spring break! Here are a few things you can do every day to keep the juices flowing….
Recommendation of 30 minutes minimum a day:
Reading STAAR Quizlet Click here!
Math STAAR Quizlet Click here!
Science STAAR Quizlet Click here!
Imagine Math/Imagine Reading Roberts Wiki
Read out loud, ask yourself summary and inference questions

-          Spring Break - March 11-15
-          Spring Picture Day - April 5
-          School Carnival - April 6
-          April 9-10 Math and Reading STAAR
-          April 12th Field Trip to the Menil

What's Coming Up Next Week?

Financial Literacyà Financial Literacy Test on Thursday, March 21st
Extra Financial Literacy Quizlet (this will not be a quiz, but is good for practicing financial literacy terms)
Starting on Friday - STAAR MATH REVIEWEvery day we will be reviewing an objective we learned this year. We will be playing fun games, using task cards, and looking through our math journals to refresh our memory. You can help your child by having them get on IMAGINE MATH during the week. It is online and they have their usernames and password.
Problem solving quiz on Friday

English/Language Arts/Reading:
We will start a new historical fiction book club.  
Two reading letters are due on Monday, March 18th
-Spelling Test on Friday
Quizlet Week 26

Science: My FAVORITE unit!!!!!! Life Science 
Ecosystems, habitats, and the interaction of living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) things.  
There are some videos for review: Study Jams Ecosystems Tab The videos to watch under the Ecosystems tab are: Ecosystems, Carbon Cycle, Population Growth and Biomes.  

Social Studies: 
Civil War: Students will continue to learn the causes of the war, the differences between the Northern and Southern economies at that time, States' Rights, Slavery/Underground Railroad, and a couple of key battles of the war.

Break until after Math and Reading STAAR

Friday, March 1, 2019

March 4-8

-          PADRES Campout March 1-2 CANCELED
-          Spring Break - March 11-15
-          Spring Picture Day - April 5
-          School Carnival - April 6
-          April 9-10 Math and Reading STAAR
-          April 12th Field Trip to the Menil (if you would like to be a chaperone please email me)

What's Coming Up Next Week?

Financial Literacy
Extra Financial Literacy Quizlet (this will not be a quiz, but is good for practicing financial literacy terms)
Problem solving quiz on Friday

English/Language Arts/Reading:
Short story read alouds 
Two reading letters are due on Friday, March 8th
-Spelling Test on Friday (If you will not be here on that day please let me know)
Quizlet Week 25

Science: Earth, Moon, and Sun Test will be on Wednesday, March 6th 
Earth’s cycles and comparing Earth, the Sun, and the moon 
On the Study Jams website:  Go to the Solar System tab and watch the videos on "A Day on Earth" and "Gravity and Inertia". Study Jams
Crash course kids on youtube: A great list of videos for this unit!
You might also want to check out Discovery Education videos, there are literally hundreds to choose from! (You can also access this through the HUB's digital resources)

Social Studies: 
Comparing the North and the South’s economy during the Civil War

Continue writing research papers on our topics. The research papers will be due **this Friday**March 8th. Parents please help your child edit their papers. They can access it from home through their google drives.