Monday, February 29, 2016

Feb. 29

*March 2: Picture day.  Picture order forms went home last week.

Math: Tuesday we have our Financial Literacy test.  Then we will start review for the Math STAAR test that is on March 29th.

Reading: We will continue our book clubs that we started last week.  The kids have books on historical fiction.  We have spelling and Vocabulary this week.  Here is the link for Vocab:
Vocab Feb. 29

Science: Life Science unit this week.  

Food Chains/Webs, the Carbon Cycle, and Plant Life Cycles.  Here are some videos to watch on Study Jams: Study Jams Under the Ecosystems tab: Food Webs, Food Chains, the Carbon Cycle. Under the Plants tab, watch: Photosynthesis, Plants with Seeds, and any of the other great videos!

Social Studies: Civil War

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Feb. 22

*Wednesday is an early dismissal day.  Please make sure your child has a way to be picked up at 12:30.  HISD buses will be running that afternoon.

*March 2nd is our spring Picture Day.  Please look for the forms in the Tuesday folders.

Math:  Financial Literacy (Test on Tuesday, March 1)
-Taxes (sales, property, income, and payroll)
-Organize and balance a budget

Reading: New unit of historical fiction books (post-Revolutionary War)  
Review: Author's Purpose, summarization, and Main idea.
Vocab and spelling this week.  Here is the link to this week's Vocab: Vocab Week of Feb. 22

Science: Life Science MY FAVORITE!!!!!  
Ecosystems, habitats, and the interaction of living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) things.  
There are some videos for review: Study Jams Ecosystems Tab The videos to watch under the Ecosystems tab are: Ecosystems, Carbon Cycle, Population Growth and Biomes.  

Social Studies:
 Civil War
-Sectionalism, slavery, and states rights

-Union and Confederate Armies.  

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Roberts Auction!!

Hi Parents,


Just a reminder to get your auction ticket(s) by Friday or prices increase! This is such a fun and important event for Roberts and you don’t want to miss it! I promise you will have a blast!


Top 5 reasons you don’t want to miss:


5)                   Fabulous class baskets and vacations to bid on (themed baskets, Spa treatments, sports tickets, kids activities, theatre tickets, teacher parties, museum memberships)

4)                   Mingle with and meet Roberts families (this is a great opportunity to get to know your Roberts community without your children tugging on your sleeves)

3)                    Sign your kid(s) up for the yoga party with Ms. Waterman at Yogaone – past and present students – or whoever ; ) 

2)                   Enjoy delicious food and tasty beverages while dressing fancy

1)                   And the number one reason to go – I WILL BE THERE  ; )


Seriously though, as I have mentioned before this is a really fun night for Roberts parents and a huge fundraiser for our school! Please plan on attending. If both parents can’t attend please don’t worry. Call a friend and come along with them. You definitely don’t need a date, so don’t worry! 


The Gymnastics Factory in the village is offering babysitting!  When you purchase your tickets online you can sign your kids up for babysitting at the same time! SIMPLE!! 


** If you are not able to attend – please make sure to send a friend with some $$$ and have them sign your child up for the yoga party --- if they wish to come of course. 


Go to to purchase and view the online catalog!   Or to just purchase go to:


Monday, February 15, 2016

Feb. 15

Math: Finish up our Geometry unit - Quiz on Thursday!!! 
-Classify different types of Polygons based on similar attributes

Reading: Finishing Character Unit
Book Club Projects- Due on Friday   
Types of text structure and how that affects the meaning of text across different genres.  Some examples of text structure include: Sequential Order, Compare and Contrast, Problem and Solution, Description, and Cause and Effect
Vocabulary and Spelling Test: Vocab Week of Feb 15th

Science: Space -moon and sun and how they are different/similar to Earth and other planets.  
Social Studies: Main causes of the Civil War.

I hope you all have a great week, and thank you, again for all of the amazing Valentine's gifts.  You are all too kind and thoughtful!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Feb. 8

*Friday we are having a Valentine's Celebration, not actually a party.  Please do not send candy with your students, your child may bring cards for everyone. I will have a treat for them all. Thank you!

Math: Wednesday - test on our types of Graphs unit.  Students will be expected to answer questions about Frequency tables, bar graphs, stem and leaf plots, dot plots, and scatter plots.  Please feel free to visit old posts for video links for review.  Starting Thursday we will cover 2D shapes and their attributes.  Students need to fully understand what a polygon is and what it isn't, how to classify triangles and quadrilaterals based on common attributes.  Here are a couple of videos:
Polygons Math Antics
Triangles Math Antics

Reading: This week the students will finish reading their current book club books.  The students will have to turn in their finished Bookmarks on Monday, February 15th.  We will have spelling and Vocabulary this week.  Here is the link to the Quizlet list of Vocabulary terms: Vocab Feb 8-12

Science: Unit on Space!  On the Study Jams website:  Go to the Solar System tab and watch the videos on "A Day on Earth" and "Gravity and Inertia". Study Jams

Social Studies: This week students will work on their Industrial Revolution project.  Friday they were assigned an invention from that era.  Students will research it and how it impacted society/technology and our economy.  They will then create an advertisement for their product.  These projects are due this Friday.