Thursday, November 3, 2016

November 7

Thursday, November 10 is the Fifth Grade Performance. They have worked so hard, and are ready to show off their talents. The students will meet us in our classrooms at 6:15. Please have them dressed in a red, white, or blue tshirt with jeans. Preferably the red Roberts t-shirt. See you there!

Math: Multiplying Fractions and Whole numbers
Go Math 6.1-6.3

Problem Solving Quiz on Friday

Reading:  We are starting our Poetry Unit! The students will have daily poetry homework and a poetry project over the next two weeks…
This week, the students will learn about two forms of poetry and create their own poems. The project consists of students picking a poem to dissect and memorize to present to the class. We will be picking poems on Monday. If you and your child have a favorite poem, bring it to class on Monday!
They will also be learning about the different elements of poetry and figurative language (Quiz on November 18).

Quizlet and Spelling Test this week.

Science: Forms of energy
Mechanical and Electrical Energy will be our focus this week.  There will be a small quiz on electrical energy on Friday (they will need to know the difference between open/closed circuits and series vs parallel circuits).

Social Studies:  Revolutionary War Unit Test on November 10

Students will receive a study guide on Monday to help them study for the test. 

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate this kind of posts. It’s good to know what is waiting for the students in the future. If your students follow your page, they will be amazed to see how much interesting and exciting stuff you have prepared for them in order their studying to be more entertaining and informative. I love that reading is a big part of the schedule. I would rather focus on writing, consult some essay online writers and find out the newest trends in teaching essay writing. But I value your posts and thank you for sharing your experience.
