Friday, February 24, 2017

Feb. 27- March 3

This week’s objectives:

Math:  Financial Literacy (Test on Monday) (review homework has been sent home)
-Taxes (sales, property, income, and payroll)
-Organize and balance a budget 

We will beginning our math review for STAAR. STAAR Math will be March 28th. Every day we will be reviewing an objective we learned this year. We will be playing fun games, using task cards, and looking through our math journals to refresh our memory. You can help your child by having them get on THINK THRU MATH during the week. It is online and they have their usernames and password.

This week we will be reviewing decimal place value, rounding, adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing decimals, and adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions.

Reading: New book club-  historical fiction books (post-Revolutionary War)  
Review: Author's Purpose, summarization, and Main idea.
Quizlet and spelling this week.

Science: Space Unit Test on Monday (study with study guide, science journal, and past videos posted)
We start Life Science this week! MY FAVORITE!!!!!  
Ecosystems, habitats, and the interaction of living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) things.  
There are some videos for review: Study Jams Ecosystems Tab The videos to watch under the Ecosystems tab are: Ecosystems, Carbon Cycle, Population Growth and Biomes.  

Social Studies:
 Civil War

-North vs the South’s economy 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Book Club Project and Time Line

#1 In the beginning (character) was (trait). Justify. Explain. WHY???

#2 In the middle/ At the climax (character) was (trait). Justify. Explain. WHY???

#3 At the end of the book/in conclusion (character) was (trait). Justify. Explain. WHY???

Book Project:

SIX APPS with names of apps

(1)Name of app: (EXPLAIN APP)
Character trait:
(2)Name of app: (EXPLAIN APP)
Character trait:

(1)Name of app: (EXPLAIN APP)
Character trait:
(2)Name of app: (EXPLAIN APP)
Character trait:

(1)Name of app: (EXPLAIN APP)
Character trait:
(2)Name of app: (EXPLAIN APP)
Character trait:

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Feb. 20


Next week:

Math: Reviewing for Taxes!
Go Math 17.2-17.7
Math Test on Taxes on Monday 2/27
Problem Solving Quiz on Friday

Book Club Projects- Due on Monday
Starting a new book club on Tuesday   
Quizlet and Spelling Test

Science: Space -moon and sun and how they are different/similar to Earth and other planets. Focusing on Shadows and the Sun.

Social Studies: Industrial Revolution Projects due on Friday 2/24

Friday, February 10, 2017

Feb. 13-17

*Exhibition is Thursday night from 6:30-7:30.  Students must be in my classroom by 6:15 and parents will go to the Cafeteria while we set up.  Students should be dressed nicely (no jeans or tennis shoes). The kiddos have worked so hard, and I am so excited to share all their hard work with you.

*Valentine’s Day- We will not be having a Valentine’s Day party on Tuesday. If your child would like to bring cards or a small snack for the class they may (28 students). If your child is bringing something please email me in advance.

Next week: 

Math: Finish up our Geometry unit – Test on Tuesday!!! 
-Classify different types of Polygons based on similar attributes

Reading: Finishing Character Unit
Book Club Projects- Due on Friday   
Quizlet and Spelling Test

Science: Space -moon and sun and how they are different/similar to Earth and other planets.  

Social Studies: Industrial Revolution Projects due on Friday

Friday, February 3, 2017

February 6-10

Math: Monday - test on our types of Graphs unit.  Students will be expected to answer questions about Frequency tables, bar graphs, stem and leaf plots, dot plots, and scatter plots.  Please feel free to visit old posts for video links for review.  Starting Tuesday we will cover 2D shapes and their attributes.  Students need to fully understand what a polygon is and what it isn't, how to classify triangles and quadrilaterals based on common attributes.  Here are a couple of videos:
Polygons Math Antics
Triangles Math Antics

Reading: This week the students will finish reading their current book club books.  The students will have to turn in their finished Bookmarks on Monday, February 13th.  We will have spelling and Quizlet this week.   

Science: Unit on Space! Earth (rotation vs revolution; seasons; shadows) On the Study Jams website:  Go to the Solar System tab and watch the videos on "A Day on Earth" and "Gravity and Inertia". 
Study Jams

Social Studies: This week students will begin learning about the Industrial Revolution. On Friday they will be assigned an invention from that era.  Students will research it and how it impacted society/technology and our economy.  They will then create an advertisement for their product.