This week’s objectives:
Financial Literacy (Test on Monday) (review homework has been sent home)
-Taxes (sales, property, income, and payroll)
-Organize and balance a budget
We will beginning our math review for STAAR.
STAAR Math will be March 28th. Every day we will be reviewing an
objective we learned this year. We will be playing fun games, using task cards,
and looking through our math journals to refresh our memory. You can help your
child by having them get on THINK THRU MATH during the week. It is online and
they have their usernames and password.
This week we will be reviewing decimal place
value, rounding, adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing decimals, and adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing
Reading: New book club- historical fiction books (post-Revolutionary War)
Reading: New book club- historical fiction books (post-Revolutionary War)
Review: Author's Purpose, summarization, and
Main idea.
Quizlet and spelling this week.
Science: Space Unit Test on Monday (study with study guide, science journal, and past videos posted)
Science: Space Unit Test on Monday (study with study guide, science journal, and past videos posted)
We start Life Science this week! MY
Ecosystems, habitats, and the interaction of
living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) things.
There are some videos for review: Study Jams
Ecosystems Tab The videos to watch under the Ecosystems tab
are: Ecosystems, Carbon Cycle, Population Growth and Biomes.
Social Studies: Civil War
-North vs the South’s economy