Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of November 2


Thank you again for supporting our school through the SPARK Fun Run! This weekend we are issuing a special challenge. Visit to see the bonus prize your child can earn simply by getting a pledge this weekend only.

 And if youre looking for an easy way to ask for a pledge, upload a photo of your student to to personalize their own Student Star video. Its a fun movie trailer starring your child! You can share it on email or social media to ask for a pledge.

Thank you again for helping our class.

PS - If you havent registered your child on, use our school registration code: 558259


Next week’s objectives:

Math: Order of Operations (without exponents) PEMDAS
Order of Operations: Math Antics Order of Operations

Reading: Historical Fiction Novels Projects Due Wednesday, November 4th.
-Review noun, verb, adjective

Wordly Wise and Spelling Test this week.

Science: Forms of energy
- Thermal Energy
- Light Energy
Study Jams Go to the Energy section and watch Light and Heat.

Social Studies/Exhibition: Revolution

-Founding Fathers
-I would recommend watching the brainpop on the Revolution ;)


I am not sure about the Fun Run and Field Day Schedule on Friday, but I will update as soon as I find out! If any parents are willing to bring in a class set (25 students) of waters, juices boxes, and a snack (goldfish, crackers, fruit snacks, granola bars) please email me! Thank you so much!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 26

*Please register your child for the Fun Run at  The student code is 558259.  It would be SOOO great to have 100% of the students registered by Monday!  We kick off the Fun Run with a pep rally on Monday afternoon.  We are trying to raise money for our playground Spark Park... the school wide goal is $55,000!  

Don’t forget half day on Wednesday!

Math: Addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators QUIZ ON WEDNESDAY
-We will begin Order of Operations (without exponents)
 Order of Operations: Math Antics Order of Operations 

Reading:  Historical Fiction Novels.  
Wordly Wise and Spelling Test this week.

Science: Forms of energy
-Electricity and Thermal Energy
-open vs. closed circuits
-parallel vs series circuits
Study Jams Go to the Energy section and watch Electricity and Heat.

Social Studies/Exhibition: This week we will be spending our Social Studies time conducting research for our Exhibition project.  These are real world problems and they fit under the parameters of Social studies.  I encourage you to ask your children about how their research is going and what have they learned so far!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 19

*If your child has any re-do assignments to complete, please remind your child to have them turned in by this Friday!

*Next Monday, the 26th, we will kick off our amazing Fundraiser to help raise money to renovate our Spark Park Playground! The students will participate on a Fun Run on November 6th. Students will try to find sponsors for their Fun Run efforts. Your child can register online at or try each child's student code for registering is 558259.
Our school wide goal is to raise $55,000...together we can do it!

Here are this week's objectives:

Math: Dividing Decimals.
Unit test on Multiplication and Division of Decimals on Tuesday
Starting on Wednesday- addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators. Here are some great videos for review of that objective:
Visual Model of Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Fractions Math Antics

Reading: Historical Fiction
-Plot structure and types of Conflicts
-Past and present tense verbs
Wordly Wise and Spelling tests this week!  

Science: Forms of Energy unit.
-Mechanical, Electricity, Electromagnetic (Light), Thermal, Sound, Chemical, and Nuclear
REMEMBER!!! Energy doesn't go just takes different forms!
What is Energy?

Social Studies: Causes of the American Revolution

Exhibition: This week our wonderful University of Houston Mentors start with us! The kids will continue to conduct research on their topics.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Oct. 12

*Exhibition topics: Tomorrow I will send home a permission slip for you to look over and sign.  It will have the topic that was assigned to your child for Exhibition.  Please make sure to sign it and return it on Tuesday.  

*International Festival: This Friday we have an altered schedule day.  The students will be released at 12:30.  The International Festival starts at 3:00.  I hope to see you all there!


Math: Dividion of decimals by whole numbers (create area models and pictorial models to show the quotients of decimals and whole numbers)  
*There will be a Unit test on Multiplication and Division of Decimals on Monday, October 19th.

Reading: Historical fiction novels
-Author's Purpose
-Wordly Wise test and Spelling Test this week

Science:  Alternative Energy: Geothermal, Solar, Wind, Biomass/Biofuels, Hydroelectric.  
Check out: Science Study Jams Go to Energy Light and Sound: watch Renewable Fuels.

Social Studies: Causes of the Revolutionary War

Exhibition: This week the students will be given their topic (look for the permission slip to come home tomorrow).  We will develop our Central Idea under Sharing the Planet, develop our lines of inquiry, and review researching skills in order to get started!  

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 5

**I sent out an email last weekend from Sign Up Genius in regards to Parents Conferences.  If you did not receive that email, please email me and I will let you know the available times so we can get you scheduled if you would like to meet.

*Last Tuesday, Progress Reports went home.  I received a few of them back signed, if you did not see your child's progress report, please let me know and I will send out another copy.  Please return your child's progress report signed so that I know you have seen it.

Here are the objectives:

Math:  Decimal Multiplication.  QUIZ ON THURSDAY
-       divide four digit decimals by two digit whole numbers
-       represent quotients of decimals and whole numbers with area model  Divide decimals by Powers of 10 

Reading: Historical fiction novel - American Revolution
- Spelling and Wordly Wise this week.

Science:  Natural Resources
-       renewable vs. nonrenewable resources
-       how those resources are used by people today
-       creation and use of fossil fuels
Science Study Jams  *Scroll to the Energy, Light, and Sound section.  Watch these 3: Fossil Fuels, Natural Resources, Renewable Fuels.

Social Studies: French and Indian Qar

Exhibition!!!: We are officially launching Exhibition this Wednesday afternoon!  All fifth grade classes will meet in the cafeteria with the teachers and Mrs. Walton to watch the Exhibition video that was created by previous fifth grade classes.  We will explain what Exhibition includes, as well as the expectations of all students.  On Thursday we will brainstorm possible topics for our students to research/focus on.  Students will choose a few topics they are interested in and put into groups on Friday.  We are so excited!!!