Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Math Test Review Videos

Watch these to brush up on topics and study for the test. 

These are videos in Brainpop (username:hisdroberts pws: hisd) for:
Commutative property
Associative property
Distributive property

Answers to review hwk:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday Folder Tidbits

Today you will find the first batch of graded work being sent home in the Tuesday folder. 
  1. If you find a paper that says, "Redo," please make corrections and return in the Tuesday folder before the end of this Nine Weeks. After that, I cannot change grades. 
  2. If you find a paper that says, "Retest," your child will retake that test on the given date. This will be done in school, and the test will be in a different form than the first, so re-studying is highly recommended. 
  3. The highest grade possible for a redo or retest is a 75% per the Roberts Elementary Grading policy.
  4.  It IS true that I do not check spelling and Wordly Wise homework for each student. I find that some students need to spend more time practicing than others. If Friday test scores are not adequate, then I will check homework on an individual child basis to determine additional practice opportunities. YOU know your child and how much time he/she needs to commit to spelling/vocab practice.
  5. ALL students are currently in the September Homework Club. Everyone will remain in the HWClub if they do ALL of the homework on time in September. At the end of each month, the students in the HWClub get to have lunch in the classroom with me and do a fun activity. HWClub is private and not listed publicly. HWClub starts fresh each month.
  6. Please sign that reading log! Students are held accountable for completing every part of their weekly reading log, including your initials, to stay in the homework club.
  7.  I will further explain the above and more at Curriculum Night Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30-7:30.

Enjoy the rest of your week!
Miss Berens