Monday, December 15, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Dec. 15-19
Important Notes for Success
-Please ensure that your child has pencils and erasers. Many students are spending instructional time hunting down or bartering for a pencil which distracts from everyone's learning.
-Tardies and early dismissals have been very high in the last two weeks. Please make every effort to be present for the whole school day. Instruction moves quickly, and missed time is hard to recover from.
-Holiday gift giving: At Roberts, we strive to be inclusive of all students. If your child would like to bring in gifts for the class on Friday during our party, that is fine. Please do not bring in gifts for only a select few.
-Holiday gift giving: At Roberts, we strive to be inclusive of all students. If your child would like to bring in gifts for the class on Friday during our party, that is fine. Please do not bring in gifts for only a select few.
Important Dates
-Wednesday, December 17 6:30-7:30 Exhibition. Celebrate with us!
-Friday, December 19 1:30-3:00 Holiday Party
-Friday, December 19 1:30-3:00 Holiday Party
-Winter Break: December 20-January 5 (students return Tuesday, Jan 6)
-April 14-16: 5th grade goes to HISD camp! Hooray! (Many more details to follow in the spring)
-April 14-16: 5th grade goes to HISD camp! Hooray! (Many more details to follow in the spring)
What's Coming Up Next Week?
-Finalizing oral presentations
-Exhibition - Wednesday, Dec 17
Students report to our classroom at 6:15. Parents will then meet in cafe for the start of the presentations. Exhibition begins at 6:30 and continues until 7:30. Students should wear nice clothes - like a gallery opening.
Math: Unit 15 (Frequency Table and Bar Graphs)
-homework daily
English/Language Arts/Reading: Inferring
-Inferring bookmark due Wednesday
-no reading log this week
-We are taking this weeks off from spelling and Wordly Wise
-We are taking this weeks off from spelling and Wordly Wise
-Midterm spelling/geography quiz for the first 25 U.S. states (alphabetically). Students must spell each state and abbreviation correctly, AND identify the first 25 states on the map correctly. Test on Friday, December 19
Science: Earth Science
-homework sparingly
Social Studies: Creating the Country and Constitution
-The Articles of Confederation
-The Constitution
-The Bill of Rights
-Westward Expansion
-The Articles of Confederation
-The Constitution
-The Bill of Rights
-Westward Expansion
QUIZ ON THURSDAY! Make sure you look over your review sheet.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Dec. 8-12
Important Notes for
-Please ensure that your child
has pencils and erasers. Many students are spending instructional time hunting
down or bartering for a pencil which distracts from everyone's
-Tardies and early dismissals
have been very high in the last two weeks. Please make every effort to be
present for the whole school day. Instruction moves quickly, and missed time is
hard to recover from.
Important Dates
-Spelling Pre-Bee (optional)
Thursday, Dec 11 at 7:15 a.m. in Mrs. Audi's room
-Wednesday, December 17 6:30-7:30 Exhibition. Celebrate with us!
-Friday, December 19 1:30-3:00 Holiday Party
-Wednesday, December 17 6:30-7:30 Exhibition. Celebrate with us!
-Friday, December 19 1:30-3:00 Holiday Party
-Winter Break: December
20-January 5 (students return Tuesday, Jan 6)
-April 14-16: 5th grade goes to HISD camp! Hooray! (Many more details to follow in the spring)
-April 14-16: 5th grade goes to HISD camp! Hooray! (Many more details to follow in the spring)
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Art will be finished by Monday, December 8.
Students are writing their artist statements this week and are working on their oral presentation (what they will say when they present their art).
Math: Unit 8 (Solving
Algebraic Equations)
-Students will understand the
terms: variable, constant, coefficient, equation and expression. They will be
able to solve for variables using all four math operations.
-homework daily
-PEMDAS (no exponents)
-use Go Math videos as reference
-homework daily
-PEMDAS (no exponents)
-use Go Math videos as reference
-quiz Friday
English/Language Arts/Reading: Inferring
-reading log
-We are taking the next two weeks off from spelling and Wordly Wise.
-Midterm spelling/geography quiz for the first 25 U.S. states (alphabetically). Students must spell each state and abbreviation correctly, AND identify the first 25 states on the map correctly. Test on Friday, December 19
-We are taking the next two weeks off from spelling and Wordly Wise.
-Midterm spelling/geography quiz for the first 25 U.S. states (alphabetically). Students must spell each state and abbreviation correctly, AND identify the first 25 states on the map correctly. Test on Friday, December 19
Science: Earth Science
-Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
-Quizlet Resources: Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition (highly recommended)
-Quiz Friday
-Quizlet Resources: Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition (highly recommended)
-Quiz Friday
Studies: Creating the Country and Constitution
-The Articles of Conferderation
-The Constitution
-The Bill of Rights
-Westward Expansion
-The Articles of Conferderation
-The Constitution
-The Bill of Rights
-Westward Expansion
Friday, December 5, 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014
November 17-21
Important Dates
What's Coming Up Next Week?
We are about to fully dive into the art stage of Exhibition. Please send students will all necessary art supplies by Tuesday, November 18. Artists and Mentors will be here to support our work on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday this week.
Math: Unit 6 (Multiply and Divide with Fractions)
-homework daily
-Test over Unit 6 on Friday
English/Language Arts/Reading: Poetry
-students will write 2 poems of different genres (due Friday, Nov 21)
Science: Earth Science
-The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT 7) will be given Tuesday, November 18 to all 5th graders for GT middle school qualifications. The students will take the non-verbal section of the test. This is a paper-pencil test containing 60 questions. The CogAT is a timed test. Students will be given 30 minutes to complete the test. Test results will be sent to the parents and all HISD middle schools in early January 2015. Please be on time Tuesday for this test.
-Wednesday, Nov 19: 12:30 dismissal day
-Friday, Nov 21: Fifth grade picture 8:00-9:00 (be on time)
-Wednesday, Nov 19: 12:30 dismissal day
-Friday, Nov 21: Fifth grade picture 8:00-9:00 (be on time)
What's Coming Up Next Week?
We are about to fully dive into the art stage of Exhibition. Please send students will all necessary art supplies by Tuesday, November 18. Artists and Mentors will be here to support our work on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday this week.
Math: Unit 6 (Multiply and Divide with Fractions)
-homework daily
-Test over Unit 6 on Friday
Video to help: :
English/Language Arts/Reading: Poetry
-students will write 2 poems of different genres (due Friday, Nov 21)
-grammar: poetry terms and figurative language (quiz Friday, Nov 21)
-students will analyze, memorize, and present a poem (poetry project due Monday, Nov 24)
-students will analyze, memorize, and present a poem (poetry project due Monday, Nov 24)
-reading log daily
-No Wordly Wise this week (Yay!)
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
-No Wordly Wise this week (Yay!)
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
Science: Earth Science
-homework sparingly
Social Studies: Creating the Country and Constitution
Monday, November 10, 2014
Nov. 10 - Nov. 14
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Math: Unit 6 (Multiply and Divide with Fractions)
-homework daily
English/Language Arts/Reading: Poetry
-students will analyze, memorize, and write poetry of their own (poetry project due Monday, Nov 24)
Science: Forms of Energy Unit 5 and 6
-test on Thursday, November 13
-The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT 7) will be given
November 18 to all 5th graders for GT middle school qualifications. The students
will take the non-verbal section of the test. This is a paper-pencil test
containing 60 questions. The CogAT is a timed test. Students will be given 30
minutes to complete the test. Test results will be sent to the parents and all
HISD middle schools in early January 2015.
-Friday, Nov 21: Fifth grade picture
-Friday, Nov 21: Fifth grade picture
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Math: Unit 6 (Multiply and Divide with Fractions)
-homework daily
-practice multiplication facts
to build stamina and speed
-check Go Math videos and
fraction videos for re-teaching help at home
English/Language Arts/Reading: Poetry
-students will analyze, memorize, and write poetry of their own (poetry project due Monday, Nov 24)
-grammar: poetry terms and
figurative language (quiz Friday, Nov 21)
-reading log daily
-Wordly Wise daily (Lesson 11) Test Friday
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
-Wordly Wise daily (Lesson 11) Test Friday
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
Science: Forms of Energy Unit 5 and 6
-test on Thursday, November 13
-homework daily
Studies: American Revolution
-vocab review
-Projects due Wednesday, November 12
-vocab review
-Projects due Wednesday, November 12
Monday, November 3, 2014
Reading Log Nov.3-10
Remember to write your reading log out on a piece of notebook paper with your days clearly labeled. Please make sure you read and answer the questions fully.
Readers are leaders!!
Nov. 3 - 7
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Math: Unit 5 (add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers)
-Homework daily
-Review on Thursday -> Test on Friday (7.1, 7.2, Unit 5)
-Magnet Awareness Week,
11/3-11/7 (turn in transcript requests now)
-Multiply decimals learning lunch: Tuesday, Nov 4 (Lessons 19, 22, 23, 24)
-Multiply decimals learning lunch: Tuesday, Nov 4 (Lessons 19, 22, 23, 24)
-The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT 7) will be given
November 18 to all 5th graders for GT middle school qualifications. The students
will take the non-verbal section of the test. This is a paper-pencil test
containing 60 questions. The CogAT is a timed test. Students will be given 30
minutes to complete the test. Test results will be sent to the parents and all
HISD middle schools in early January 2015.
*Also, a reminder: If you wish to receive your child's
transcripts for Middle School applications, please send the form back to school
that went home two weeks ago. If you no longer have that form, please send a
written note asking for the transcripts with your child's name on it. I will
make sure it gets to the office.
**In regards to teacher recommendations through HISD: I will be filling out the online recommendation for ALL of my students so you do not need to request one from me. Once I have submitted the recommendations, all of the HISD middle schools will have automatic access to it. You do NOT need to submit a hard copy to the middle schools.
**In regards to teacher recommendations through HISD: I will be filling out the online recommendation for ALL of my students so you do not need to request one from me. Once I have submitted the recommendations, all of the HISD middle schools will have automatic access to it. You do NOT need to submit a hard copy to the middle schools.
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Math: Unit 5 (add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers)
-Homework daily
-Review on Thursday -> Test on Friday (7.1, 7.2, Unit 5)
-practice multiplication facts
to build stamina and speed
-check Go Math videos and
fraction videos
-last week we learned how to
add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. Need extra
Answers are located at the bottom of this blog entry.
English/Language Arts/Reading:
-Historical Fiction book clubs: American Revolution
-book club projects, books, and bookmarks due Wednesday
Science: Forms of Energy Unit 5 and 6
English/Language Arts/Reading:
-Historical Fiction book clubs: American Revolution
-book club projects, books, and bookmarks due Wednesday
-grammar: noun, verb,
adjective review
-reading log daily (can use
book club book if reading is not completed during class)
-Wordly Wise daily (Midterm Lessons 1-10) Test Friday
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
-Wordly Wise daily (Midterm Lessons 1-10) Test Friday
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
Science: Forms of Energy Unit 5 and 6
-homework daily
-Check out BBC experiment simulator and Study Jams energy videos
Studies: American Revolution
-vocab review
-vocab review
Answer Keys:
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Oct. 27 - 31
Important Dates
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Math: Unit 7B (Prime/Composite), Unit 5 (fraction basics, add and subtract fractions)
-homework daily
English/Language Arts/Reading:
-Historical Fiction book clubs: American Revolution
Science: Forms of Energy Unit 5 and 6
- Learning Lunch: Division models: Monday, Oct 27 (Lesson 25)
-Learning Lunch: Multiplication models: Tuesday, Oct 28 (Lesson 17, 20)
-Learning Lunch: Multiplication models: Tuesday, Oct 28 (Lesson 17, 20)
-Wednesday, 12:30 dismissal
-Learning Lunch: Divide decimals: Thursday, Oct 30 (Lessons 8, 26, 27)
-Learning Lunch: Divide decimals: Thursday, Oct 30 (Lessons 8, 26, 27)
-Friday: Field Day
-Learning Lunch: Multiply decimals: Tuesday, Nov 4 (Lessons 19, 22, 23, 24)
-Learning Lunch: Multiply decimals: Tuesday, Nov 4 (Lessons 19, 22, 23, 24)
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Math: Unit 7B (Prime/Composite), Unit 5 (fraction basics, add and subtract fractions)
-homework daily
-practice multiplication facts to build stamina and speed
-check Go Math videos for re-teaching help at home
English/Language Arts/Reading:
-Historical Fiction book clubs: American Revolution
-grammar: adjectives
-reading log daily (can use book club book if reading is not completed during class)
-Wordly Wise daily (unit 10) Test Friday
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
-Wordly Wise daily (unit 10) Test Friday
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
Science: Forms of Energy Unit 5 and 6
-Unit 8 Natural Resources test on Monday
-homework daily (mostly)
-homework daily (mostly)
Social Studies: American Revolution
-French and Indian War
-Boston Tea Party
-French and Indian War
-Boston Tea Party
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Extra Math Practice
Good morning,
I've graded yesterday's division and multiplication of decimals test. The kiddos have worked extremely hard, and their grades show that! The test will be coming home in the Tuesday folder. Some areas were harder than others. I've identified areas for further work for some students and have provided reteaching/extra practice pages for these goals.
Students are to complete the work at home or as early finisher work during the day. I will offer a learning lunch for each goal over the next 2 weeks. Learning lunch is in my classroom. Students will bring their lunch to the room and we will work and eat together. During these lunches, I will review the pages with those students and will offer any clarification or reteaching necessary.
Here is the learning lunch schedule:
-Division models: Monday, Oct 27 (Lesson 25)
-Multiplication models: Tuesday, Oct 28 (Lesson 17, 20)
-Divide decimals: Thursday, Oct 30 (Lessons 8, 26, 27)
-Multiply decimals: Tuesday, Nov 4 (Lessons 19, 22, 23, 24)
Students should make every effort to have those lesson pages complete by their lunch date so that we can reflect and review together.
I can't wait!
I've graded yesterday's division and multiplication of decimals test. The kiddos have worked extremely hard, and their grades show that! The test will be coming home in the Tuesday folder. Some areas were harder than others. I've identified areas for further work for some students and have provided reteaching/extra practice pages for these goals.
Students are to complete the work at home or as early finisher work during the day. I will offer a learning lunch for each goal over the next 2 weeks. Learning lunch is in my classroom. Students will bring their lunch to the room and we will work and eat together. During these lunches, I will review the pages with those students and will offer any clarification or reteaching necessary.
Here is the learning lunch schedule:
-Division models: Monday, Oct 27 (Lesson 25)
-Multiplication models: Tuesday, Oct 28 (Lesson 17, 20)
-Divide decimals: Thursday, Oct 30 (Lessons 8, 26, 27)
-Multiply decimals: Tuesday, Nov 4 (Lessons 19, 22, 23, 24)
Students should make every effort to have those lesson pages complete by their lunch date so that we can reflect and review together.
I can't wait!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
October 20-24
Important Dates
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Math: Unit 3 and 4 Review (Multiplication and Division of Decimals), Test, Unit 7 (Factors and Divisibility)
-homework daily
English/Language Arts/Reading:
-Historical Fiction book clubs: American Revolution
-Friday, October 24: end of first nine week grading cycle. All redos and no names must be turned in by this day. Also...our first auction! Save up those Dojo points for classroom goodies!
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Math: Unit 3 and 4 Review (Multiplication and Division of Decimals), Test, Unit 7 (Factors and Divisibility)
-homework daily
-practice multiplication facts to build stamina and speed
-check Go Math videos for re-teaching help at home
English/Language Arts/Reading:
-Historical Fiction book clubs: American Revolution
Book club meetings every Monday and Wednesday
-grammar: verb tenses, diagramming sentences
-reading log daily (can use book club book if reading is not completed during class)
-Wordly Wise daily (unit 9) Test Friday
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
Science: Unit 8 Natural Resources
-homework daily (mostly)
-Wordly Wise daily (unit 9) Test Friday
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
Science: Unit 8 Natural Resources
-homework daily (mostly)
Social Studies: Causes of the American Revolution
-French and Indian War
-Boston Tea Party
-French and Indian War
-Boston Tea Party
Monday, October 13, 2014
Revolution Book Club Meetings
Revolution Book Club Reading Due Dates:
These are the due dates. For example, if you are reading Ben and Me by 10/15 you should have read all the way to page 56.
These are the due dates. For example, if you are reading Ben and Me by 10/15 you should have read all the way to page 56.
BOOK: Ben and Me
10/8: Foreword- 16
10/13: 17-30
10/15: 31-56
10/20: 57- 70
10/22: 71-90
10/27: 91-104
10/29: 104- 110
11/3: 110-113
BOOK: George Washington’s Socks
10/8: 1-16
10/13: 17-32
10/15: 33 - 51
10/20: 52- 74
10/22: 75- 98
10/27: 99-125
10/29: 126- 145
11/3: 146-166
BOOK: Fever
10/8: 1-17
10/13: 18-45
10/15: 46- 69
10/20: 70- 95
10/22: 96-121
10/27: 122- 162
10/29: 163- 199
11/3: 200- 243
BOOK: Johnny Tremain
10/8: Ch. 1
10/13: Ch. 2 & 3
10/15: Ch. 4
10/20: Ch. 5 & 6
10/22: Ch. 7
10/27: Ch. 8 & 9
10/29: Ch. 10
11/3: Ch. 11 &12
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Oct. 13-17
Important Dates
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Math: Unit 4 (combined) Division of Decimals
-homework daily
English/Language Arts/Reading:
-Historical Fiction book clubs: American Revolution
Wednesday, 10/15 Middle School Information Night, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Friday, October 24: end of first nine week grading cycle. All redos and no names must be turned in by this day. Also...our first auction! Save up those Dojo points for classroom goodies!
What's Coming Up Next Week?
Math: Unit 4 (combined) Division of Decimals
-homework daily
-practice multiplication facts to build stamina and speed
-check Go Math videos for re-teaching help at home
-test on unit 3 and 4 will be early next week
English/Language Arts/Reading:
-Historical Fiction book clubs: American Revolution
-grammar: verbs
-reading log daily (can use book club book if reading is not completed during class)
-Wordly Wise daily (unit 8) Test Friday
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
Science: Unit 8 Natural Resources
-homework daily (mostly)
-Exhibition two research resources due Wednesday
-Wordly Wise daily (unit 8) Test Friday
-Spelling daily- Test Friday
Science: Unit 8 Natural Resources
-homework daily (mostly)
-Exhibition two research resources due Wednesday
Social Studies: Causes of the American Revolution
-French and Indian War
-Boston Tea Party
-French and Indian War
-Boston Tea Party
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
American Revolution
Check out these American Revolution quizlets!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Math Test Review Videos
Watch these to brush up on topics and study for the test.
These are videos in Brainpop (username:hisdroberts pws: hisd) for:
Commutative property
Associative property
Distributive property
Answers to review hwk:
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Tuesday Folder Tidbits
Today you will find the first batch
of graded work being sent home in the Tuesday folder.
- If you find a paper that says, "Redo," please make corrections and return in the Tuesday folder before the end of this Nine Weeks. After that, I cannot change grades.
- If you find a paper that says, "Retest," your child will retake that test on the given date. This will be done in school, and the test will be in a different form than the first, so re-studying is highly recommended.
- The highest grade possible for a redo or retest is a 75% per the Roberts Elementary Grading policy.
- It IS true that I do not check spelling and Wordly Wise homework for each student. I find that some students need to spend more time practicing than others. If Friday test scores are not adequate, then I will check homework on an individual child basis to determine additional practice opportunities. YOU know your child and how much time he/she needs to commit to spelling/vocab practice.
- ALL students are currently in the September Homework Club. Everyone will remain in the HWClub if they do ALL of the homework on time in September. At the end of each month, the students in the HWClub get to have lunch in the classroom with me and do a fun activity. HWClub is private and not listed publicly. HWClub starts fresh each month.
- Please sign that reading log! Students are held accountable for completing every part of their weekly reading log, including your initials, to stay in the homework club.
- I will further explain the above and more at Curriculum Night Wednesday, September 11 at 6:30-7:30.
Enjoy the rest of
your week!
Miss Berens
Thursday, August 21, 2014
August 21, 2014 - Meet the Teacher!
Welcome back to school kiddos! I hope you had an amazing summer, and can't wait to hear all your fun stories. I am very excited to meet you, and look forward to a fun and successful year in fifth grade!
A few things to remember for Monday:
1. Make sure you fill out the forms from your envelope you received at Meet the Teacher.
3. Bring a healthy snack every day! You can also bring a water bottle each day.
4. Come ready to learn and have a great time!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Thank you so much for contributing supplies to our class this year!
A few things to remember for Monday:
1. Make sure you fill out the forms from your envelope you received at Meet the Teacher.
- Student Code of Conduct form (fill out and send back on Monday).
- Parents please fill out the Parent Questionaire. Return on Monday.
3. Bring a healthy snack every day! You can also bring a water bottle each day.
4. Come ready to learn and have a great time!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
Thank you so much for contributing supplies to our class this year!
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